Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New Project... Sort of.

So, since before last Friday I've been "working on" - okay, fine, STALLING on - a shirt. It's a button up (think Hawaiian style) for Ben, and I kind of came to a halt when it came to putting the sleeves on. I am really nervous that I will mess up and ruin the whole thing! I've only made one shirt, for my mom, and it didn't have sleeves. I've made sleeveless dresses. I've never had to do sleeves. I am FREAKING out. I want to finish it before THIS Friday, because I'd like that to be this week's project (and if it isn't, I won't have one, because Lord knows I haven't been able to think about starting anything else!), but I am so worried about the sleeves! It's really paralyzed my work!

Any tips on getting confident (or putting on sleeves)? Oi.


  1. We all had to learn at some point ,gaining confidence, i think, is all down to experience. Sometimes you have to learn by making mistakes first. I would just GO FOR IT!!.Sleeves are not as difficult as you think. Just take your time.Good Luck. I will look out for your shirt this friday!!

  2. Take it a step at a time, follow your directions (I assume this is a pattern you used), pin the sleeve in well first, and then sew the seam! You can do it! And if it's a bit off, unpick the weird places, re-pin, and try again. You'll get more comfortable the more you do it, so full steam ahead! (P.S., this is kind of how I feel about machine quilting...I have a little trepidation, but the only way to get better is to do it.) Can't wait to see how it turns out!

  3. Pin Pin Pin... and they are not that hard, in fact I think that sleve facings are harder, and you have already done those if you have made sleveless.

  4. Men's sleeves are really pretty easy, because they are so big and not s curvy as women's sleeves. You've gotten good advice - pin, pin, pin, and just jump in and do it! Until you cut it, you can always take it out and try again - but I bet you won't have to!!
